Sébastien Benzekry | INRIA Bordeaux - France |
Mathematical Modeling of Tumor-Tumor Distant Interactions Supports a Systemic Control of Tumor Growth (abstract)
Louis-Félix Bersier | University of Fribourg - Switzerland |
The relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem-functioning under temperature change: a model and experimental results
Sandrine Charles | University of Lyon 1 - France |
Mathematical modelling in ecotoxicology: an overview (abstract)
Mareike Fischer | University of Greifswald - Germany |
Darwin's inheritance - Modern evolutionary research from a mathematical point of view (abstract)
Coralie Fritsch | University of Lorraine - France |
Modelling approach for cells in a chemostat (abstract)
Frédéric Hamelin | INRA Rennes - France |
Gene-for-gene epidemic models, systemic acquired resistance, and the evolution of plant parasites (abstract)
Sui Huang | Institute of Systems Biology of Seattle - USA |
Bifurcations and critical transitions in cell population dynamics: Why cancer treatment can backfire...
Horst Malchow | University of Osnabrück - Germany |
Competitive invasion, infection and noise in a heterogeneous habitat (abstract)
Alicia Martínez-González | University of Castilla-La Mancha - Spain |
In vivo and in vitro experiments validate mathematical predictions for brain tumor behaviour (abstract)
Adelia Séqueira | University of Lisbon - Portugal |
Cardiovascular modeling and simulations. Applications to some clinical studies
Nico Stollenwerk | University of Lisbon - Portugal |
Chaos and Noise in Population Biology: mathematical modelling, data analysis and intervention methods in dengue fever epidemiology, a case study (abstract)
Ezio Venturino | University of Turin - Italy |
A laboratory-data-supported mathematical model for water purification (abstract)